Thursday, September 26, 2024

Amma with Purple Eye Makeup.

 Dreamed I was at an Amma program in a nice hotel. The floor and walls had red color. Amma was in her usual bright white saree. Me and other devotees were walking with Amma thru the hotel conference rooms areas. Then the program was over and I saw Amma walking away. I remember seeing that Amma had some purple eye makeup applied.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Seeing Satya Sai Baba with Toddler Sai Baba.

 Dreamed I was hanging out at a little snack shop that was near the Amritapuri ashram carpool. I saw a massage table nearby so I got on the table and took a little nap. When I woke up I saw Satya Sai Baba walking around in his usual orange robes and with his trademark big puffy afro hair. Also near Sai Baba was a very young Sai Baba with the same hair style and dressed in orange-yellow robes. The young Sai Baba looked to be about 3 or 4 years old and was very cute. The were other people around who also wanted to see Sai Baba.

Comment: I'm primarily a devotee of Amma but I also feel a nice connection with Satya Sai Baba.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Using a Screwdriver to Help Amma

 Dreamed that I was in a house with Amma. Me and some other people were watching Amma on TV and Amma was in another room of the house. Amma was giving a talk about some spiritual topic. She was sitting on the floor wearing her usual white saree. The walls and floor had dark wood. At one point she tipped over on her right side and when her hand touched the floor she experienced a lot of pain and she cried out. I was a little surprised that no one was near her to help her. (here it gets a little weird) When the people saw Amma in pain they threw her a lot of flat blade screwdrivers to help ease her pain. Then the screwdrivers floated in the air around Amma, mostly on her right hand side. We were worried about Amma but we couldn't do anything else. One of the screwdrivers was in the wall behind Amma. I reached out and grabbed it and used it to help Amma get back up to a normal sitting position.

I wasn't feeling any strong emotions during this dream.

(Yes, this is a weird dream.)

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Amma Had a Small Rock in Her Leg

Dreamed I was with Amma in a house with some dark wood paneling here and there. There was one other person there. I was walking around with Amma talking with her. At one point she sat on a sofa and I sat on the floor in front of her. We were talking casually. At one point she pointed to her right leg and said "I've got a small rock in my leg." I became worried and said, "Be careful, it may get infected. You should see a doctor." Then I was looking at her feeling waves of wonderful devotion and then I had the thought, "Stay focused on Amma. Don't be focused on your feelings but stay focused on Amma." I thought this was good advice. Very nice dream. Amma was wearing her usual bright white saree.

Monday, September 02, 2024

I Joined the Hare Krishnas

 (Not an Amma dream, but a spiritual dream)

Dreamed that I was a new member of ISKCON aka Hare Krishnas. I was in a house with other Hare Krishnas. We were getting ready for bed and I was in the kitchen trying to cook some frozen vegetables before bed. We were all wearing saffron clothes with shaved heads. At one point I was chanting the Hare Krishna mantra and it felt pretty good. I was worried about getting enough sleep while being a member of ISKCON. But one person told me, "Don't worry. We get up at 330am but it's no problem because we go to bed at 630pm." After that I relaxed. I remember seeing a very wide bed were about 10 Hare Krishnas would sleep side by side.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Sitting Next to Amma and Getting a Hug.

I had an amazing Amma dream. Dreamed that me and Ranjit from England where in a big public space and we wanted to find a quiet place to talk. We went up a wide stairway of black marble and found a room to talk. We sat on a dark red sofa. I saw that Amma was sleeping in the next room so I was thinking that me and Ranjit should talk quietly. Then Amma came out and my mind became very quiet and peaceful and I felt a mild buzz like I'd had some alcohol or pot. I didn't want to stop looking at Amma and I was feeling very lucky to be close to her. Amma sat on a dark red sofa that was on my left and she started to share and talk. All I wanted to do was gaze and her and enjoy my peaceful, quiet mind. Then Amma got up and sat on my right hand side. I was feeling strong amazement and good fortune that Amma was sitting right next to me! Amma was wearing a night gown with some red designs on it. She adjusted her position and her left knee raised up. I put my left hand and forehead and her knee and I was filled with devotion and appreciation for Amma. On Amma's right side (opposite me) was a person who was a combination of Big Swami and Ranjit. He was talking to me but I was so focused on Amma that I wasn't paying attention. I asked him if we could talk tomorrow. Then Amma turned toward me, reached her arms out and gave me a very sweet hug, her head was resting on my shoulder. My feelings of devotion were very strong and I felt like I would start crying. The feelings in this dream were very strong.

Monday, January 22, 2024

Dreamed About Robert Caldwell, An Enlightened Man

 Dreamed I was at this meeting of old time Theosophists type people. I was looking for some of the old books that talked about an enlightened man named Robert Caldwell. He got enlightenment back in those times. He wrote a book titled "How I Paid in Gold For Liberation". The title meant that he had a genuine awakening back in the 1910's or 1920's. I was looking at the book and there was another guy there who was not awakened but who was there during that time. They were talking about how nice it would be to wake up. Then, as I was leaving, I saw Robert and I said, "Oh! You're really Robert Caldwell." He was a really nice guy and he stood up and said, "Yeah, I'm him." He radiated a gentle and clear feeling that he was really enlightened. I went up and hugged him and it felt really good and I started to cry. I felt like I could cry as much as I wanted to and it would be good for me. Then I was feeling nice and peaceful.

Comment. I have no conscious memory of learning about a man named Robert Caldwell. I did a google search on Robert Caldwell and the first result was about a Robert Caldwell who was born in Ireland in 1814 and spent most of his life as a Christian missionary in Tamil Nadu.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Caucasian Man is Like Amma.

 Dreamed that I was at an Amma temple. On the stage was a caucasian man with blond hair dressed in white. I was feeling devotion for him like I would feel for Amma. And he was radiating divine love just like Amma. He was on top of a ziggerat that was inside a large building. Me and this girl went to the top and sat close to him, but he gently suggested we sit a little farther back and we moved. We sat on the stairs looking at him. Near him were some old farm tractors with beat up license plates (strange). I was feeling a lot of devotion and I had a very good feeling about this man. He was like a friend of Amma doing similar work as Amma does.

Tuesday, January 09, 2024

Amma Gathering in Big Building.

Dreamed that I was taking a bus trip to an Amma program. I was late for the program but I found out there was a smaller Amma gathering happening in this really big building with huge open rooms inside. I finally found the small Amma gathering but when I got there, Amma and the others around her were walking away. I saw Amma in her white saree walking away from me. Then the whole building started to flood with huge amounts of water flowing thru this building. I nearly got washed away at some point. My pants were wet and I was thinking were I could dry my pants before the trip home. I felt sad that I wasn't able to join the small meeting with Amma.

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Amma at Large, Empty Venue.

Dreamed I was at this large, grassy outdoor space for an Amma program. There were only like 4 or 5 other people there. The day was a bit grey and cloudy. At first the stage was empty, but I looked again and saw a small platform far on the left side. The stage area was about 5 feet below the main area for the audience. I jumped down the ledge and walked toward Amma's platform on my left. A young Indian lady on the platform turned her head to her right and looked at me. I suddenly felt a big wave of love and devotion wash over me. I felt like I was going to cry as I was walking toward the platform. There were about 2 or 3 other people on the platform. As I was walking toward the platform, a small part of my mind was wondering if the lady was really Amma, but that didn't effect the strength of my devotion.

The big wave of devotion felt wonderful.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Being There When My Dad Died.

 Dreamed I was with my dad as he was dying; he looked very old. We thought he had died earlier, but he was still hanging on. I was on his right side near his head. My brother Tim was also there and standing near dad's feet. He was just about to die and I was telling him, "Just let go, let go, you're going home." Dad seemed to be in a good place and was giving a little smile. Then he gave a little spasm and died which means his spirit left his body. I picked him up and carried him somewhere else to take care of the body. At first the body was heavy but soon it was very light. I laid him down on a sofa while we figured out what to do with the body.

My emotions during this dream were neutral, neither happy or sad. I felt good that my dad had a good death. This dream may be symbolic of something in me dying.

Tuesday, October 03, 2023

Kissing Amma's Left Foot.

 Had a long Amma dream but I forgot most of it. Dreamed that I walking with Amma in a more casual way, I wasn't feeling a lot of devotion. Amma was dressed in her usual white saree and she was walking around taking care of various tasks. I was talking with her about some project. At one point I was standing on Amma's left hand side and being a little bit direct with her. Then I was feeling a little contrite and I thought, "Oh, wait a minute, she's still my guru." Then I bowed down and kissed her left foot. I felt very blessed to have that opportunity. I could see her feet pretty clearly.

Sunday, September 03, 2023

Riding In A Train With A Sweet Young Girl.

 Dreamed that I was taking this trip on a train. On my left was a young girl and on my right was a young Italian man. I was just sitting there and soon we started talking a little bit and I found out they were friendly. At one point the young man said he enjoyed Italo Calvino the writer. Then the girl on my left invited me to lean back on her chest. So I turned and leaned my back onto her chest. She put her arms around me and she was radiating a feeling of wonderful kindness and affection. She was behind me so I couldn't see her. A few times she kissed the top of my head and I was caressing her arms that were holding me. Felt really wonderful. Then I fell asleep in the dream but I knew that I was sleeping. At one point they were talking about math and the Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture and I was surprised they knew about that. I was going to say something but I was too sleepy. Then the train stopped and we got out and walked up this old European style alley way. It was a really beautiful and historic place. The alley way sloped up a little. The girl was on my back and I was carrying her. I was a little tired but felt good energy in my legs. 

Very nice dream.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Riding a Big Wave.

 Dreamed that I was swimming out in the ocean about 1 kilometer from the beach. Then a really big wave came up and I was like, "Uh oh!" Then somehow I managed to body surf on top of this really tall wave, about 60 feet tall. The view from the top was exciting and scary and I could see the beach as I got closer. The wave took me to the shore onto the beach. The wave gently put me down on the beach and I was wondering if anyone saw me riding that amazing wave? It seemed no one saw me and I thought, "Wow, that's kinda strange." I didn't really know anyone on the beach and that felt uncomfortable.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Amma Appears as a Man in a Gray Jacket.

 Dreamed I was with this group of spiritual people and we were hanging out, talking and doing some meditation. Then Amma walks by and I feel devotion rise up in me. This Amma was dressed as a Caucasian man about 40 years old and wearing a gray jacket. And "he" felt like Amma, radiating lots of spiritual energy. "He" was holding some people with his arms around them and radiating love. As he's walking I'm walking backwards in front of him. Then "he" lets me hug him for a long time. Felt wonderful, just like hugging Amma. But a small part of me was still a little confused that Amma could look just like this man.

Monday, August 21, 2023

Helping Out At Meditation Retreat.

 Dreamed that I was a helper at a meditation center. There were a few yellow brahmacharis there leading the programs. One of my jobs was to lay out the zabutons (cushions) and to understand how many were needed. I wrote the details on a blackboard. Then I would go and meditate with everyone. I was experiencing some nice meditations, very quiet and peaceful mind. And I was looking forward to doing more meditations. At one time one of the brahmacharis told me to put out 16 zabutons, but we actually needed 21. We were happy that more people were coming to meditate. One of the young Indian brahmacharis was kind of my boss. Then he asked me, "Hey Advait, do you need a cover for your drum?" I said, "No, no, no cover for me, I like to keep it simple." I was joking around and I tapped his head and said, "We can use your head for a drum." He seemed a little annoyed at that and I felt a little guilty. It was a nice open space with lots of light and I was in a good mood.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Talking to Big Swami About Amma's Space Travel Program.


Dreamed that I was selected to be part of this secret ashram space travel project where we could portal teleport to different planets. And I was like "Wow, they're selecting me!" Then they told me to go see Big Swami (Swami Amritaswarupananda). I did and he was laying down on a bed in his red swami robes. He was going to get up and I said, "No, no Big Swami. There's no need for you to get up. You can talk to me from there. That's fine." I wanted to be very respectful to him cuz he's Amma's chief disciple. He was laying on a bed in a dorm room. Then he called me again and he said "OK, Advait, we're gonna be traveling and I want you to just be present with photosynthesis." 
(I have no idea what that means.) 
For some reason I thought we were going to be traveling in Spain or to the Spanish embassy. Then I asked him if they had gone to other galaxies with their space program teleportation method. And he said, "Yes, yes." And then I asked, "Even to Andromeda?" He was giving me the impression he wanted me to go with them. And I was thinking like "Wow! This is gonna be amazing! I'll get to travel with them to other planets!" And then he was telling me to be nothing special, just be my normal self and don't make a big deal out of it. And I felt like it was the start of a big adventure happening. I was going to ask him more questions about the space travel teleportation program but then I woke up. 
This dream felt powerful and significant.

Sunday, July 02, 2023

Going To See The Dalai Lama.

 Dreamed that I was going to get darshan from the Dalai Lama DL. Some other person had given me some white shirts and some shorts that the DL wanted. And I had some other clothing for the DL. We were in this nice big house, felt like a mansion. Nice fancy wood features inside. Then they called me to go upstairs and I did so and found a place to sit. I was a little confused how the process worked to see the DL. I had to pee and at first I decided to hold off going to the toilet in case I was called to see the DL. I feeling devotion and excitement about seeing the DL. My urge to pee got stronger and I woke up before seeing the DL.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Vietnamese Buddhist Monk Gives Me Neck Adjustment.

Dreamed I was in a large hospital helping some of the patients, moving them from one place to another. Then I had no more patients to help so I went back to my room that was in the same building.

Then I deamed I was near a small Vietnamese Buddhist temple tucked away in some trees near Ft. Belvoir. (I used to live in that area.) I walked up to the temple and the architecture was very nice. Elegant wooden architecture with different levels, a little like FLW's Falling Water house in Pennsylvania, USA. I was at the entrance kneeling down looking at some potted plants when some of the monks walked out. They were dressed in maroon robes. I was feeling some devotion towards the monks so I leaned down and kissed the left foot of one of them. He was wearing light green color shoes. Then, as I was still kneeling, the monk leaned down, grabbed my jaw and gave my jaw and neck a chiropractic adjustment. He twisted my head this way and that and I perceived some negative energy going out of my neck. The monk said something like, "When I was younger I used to do this kind of energy healing treatments, so I've done this before." Then the monks walked away and I went inside the temple. There were some people there and I felt nice being around other spiritual people.

Friday, June 09, 2023

Petting Some Very Sweet Friendly Horses.

 Dreamed I was at the Ashram and I spoke to a lady (Lady 1). Then later on I was talking to another lady and she said, "You should get together with Lady 1." I said, "You're the 3rd person to tell me that." Then I thought for a second and said, "No, you're the 4th person to tell me that."

Then I walked by the Kali Temple where Amma was giving darshan. I was hungry so I walked by and went to the Big Hall to get my dinner. As I was eating, I was feeling guilty and nervous for skipping Amma's program. Then a young western guy came by with a rolling cart with some leftover food. He asked me, "Would you like some leftover dessert pie?" I said, "Is that OK?" He said, "Sure, it's fine, I'd love to give you a little gift." He was very nice and kind. I was touched that he was so friendly. 

Then the dream switched and I was in a city sitting on the back of a car. Two brown horses came up to me. One was full grown and the other was smaller. They were both very sweet and friendly! I spent some time petting them and I was feeling lots of affection and feeling very happy. After a while they went away. I looked around the city street feeling peaceful and happy.

(about 2 hours later)

I had another dream where I was walking thru some woods at night. The path was black asphalt and it was wet like after a rain. I very clearly knew that I was dreaming, I was experiencing my everyday waking consciousness in the dream. I thought to myself, "Wow, I know that I'm dreaming!" Then I stood on top of a big old tree root. It was a little hard to keep my balance. Then I looked to each of the four cardinal directions and said, "Thank you Mother Father Nature." to the four directions. There were a lot of people there but soon they left. Then I had to sit down cuz I was having a hard time keeping my balance. Then more people came and I could tell that they were all friendly and good listeners. We were all wearing coats. I remembered that they listened to me earlier as I was talking and sharing. I said to them, "Hey, you're all in my dream!" And they said, "Wow, OK, so we're in your dream." Then I said, "Thank you all for being good listeners." One of the ladies gave me a suitcase with some tools. They had yellow handles and weren't so useful to me, and they were a little wet. But I still appreciated the gift.

Commentary: First time I remember being fully conscious in a dream. I felt really good after these dreams.

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Walking Behind Amma.

 Dreamed I was at an Amma program. Amma was dressed in her usual bright white saree and we were walking with her. Amma's father was also there and I had the feeling he was also highly spiritually developed. Two guys were walking on either side of Amma so I got behind Amma and put my hands on her shoulders, leaned forward a little bit and rested my head on her upper back. My head was turned toward my right. Felt very nice to be so close to Amma.

Monday, May 15, 2023

I'm Helping Amma and We're Sitting in Poolside Chairs.

 Dreamed that I was with Amma. We were at an outdoor Amma program. I was assigned to be next to Amma and help carry some of her things. Then me and Amma and some other devotees were walking to another part of the program space. We sat down in these reclining pool chairs with our legs stretched out. I was sitting on Amma's left side and I was holding some of her items. Before I sat down next to Amma I had to finish a few tasks.

Then Amma's Indian "puja" brahmachari (in yellow) came and stood in front of us. He was standing on a box and started singing a song about Moscow with lots of passion. And the word "Moscow" was printed on the front of his yellow brahmachari tshirt. The song was some kind of training exercise for him. When his song was over we all clapped. Other people were in queue to perform for Amma.

Friday, March 17, 2023

Kissed Amma's Left Foot

 Dreamed that I was at an Amma program in a house. It was evening (maybe around 8pm) and I was sleeping in a bed with yellow sheets. Then Amma walked into the room followed by her disciples. I was embarrassed and felt guilty for sleeping and missing the program. Amma was wearing something blue like one of her devi bhava clothes. Then I was sitting on the bed and Amma walked by. As she did I was hoping she would stop. She did and I got on my knees next to her and bowed down and kissed her left foot. I was very happy to express my devotion to Amma.

Then the dream shifted and I was talking with an older American man who is a long time Amma devotee. He was wearing white. It seemed like we were outside on a sunny day. Then he touched the third eye location on my forehead. I felt some nice energy like he had transmitted a lot of nice reiki energy to me. Then I started to cry, but it was a good kind of crying, like releasing some old emotions. I told the man he had a gift for energy healing.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Cat with Divine Shaktipat

 Dreamed I was standing and I looked down and saw a friendly cat in front of me. The cat stood on it's hind legs and put its front paws on my left knee. I reached down and picked it up and put the cat on my left shoulder. Then I felt a big wave of divine love wash over me and fill my mind and emotions. Wow. Very nice. My pants where a greyish khaki color.

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Amma in Red Swami Robes.

 Dreamed that I was involved with a program involving 3 of Amma's red swamis. I was sitting in a doorway and facing a large white room. My back was facing another white room which had the 3 swamis sitting at a long high table with a white tablecloth. I was feeling nervous cuz my skinny legs were showing and I didn't want anyone to see them. Inside the large white room I was facing was Amma seated in a chair. She was also wearing red swami robes.

I had a vague idea that I was supposed to introduce the 3 red swamis into the large room with Amma. 

That's it. Just a standard anxiety dream.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Amma Gave Me a Very Neutral Expression

 Dreamed that I was in an airport or something like that. Dressed in her usual white saree, Amma was standing nearby with some other devotees also dressed in white. One of Amma's attendants was standing at Amma's left hand side, then the attendant moved away, and I moved closer to Amma. Then Amma was looking at me with a very neutral expression, and that made me feel a little nervous. The I said something like, "Amma, I would like to experience more bliss. I want the ability to handle the blissful feelings." Then I stepped back from Amma but I thought, "Being close to Amma or stepping back; either is fine." Amma's energy field felt powerful and confident.

Comment: Before this dream I had got up, used the bathroom, and came back to bed. As I was falling back asleep, I was experiencing waves of bliss. I was thinking that everything is divinely ok, and the bliss and these thoughts were reinforcing each other in a nice positive feedback loop.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Holding 3 Year Old Amma in Big Crowd.

Dreamed that Amma was a 3 year old girl and I was holding her in my arms. Her back was against my chest and she was looking out. I was walking around a big Amma program hall with thousands of people sitting in chairs. 3 year old Amma in my arms was holding a video camera and taking a video of the crowd. It felt wonderful holding Amma as she was taking the video of everyone. I was watching the video screen and was adjusting Amma's position so she could take a good video. Usually I feel nervous in front of a big crowd, but in this dream I felt mostly relaxed.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Sitting Close to Amma.

Dreamed I was at an Amma program and Amma was encouraging me to sit next to her. Amma was dressed her usual bright white saree and she was in a happy and sweet mood. I was feeling pretty blissful and centered, but I was trying not to let it show too much. I didn't want people to notice me. Part of my ego was rising up about how I was special because I was sitting close to Amma. I tried to ignore this ego display. During the dream Amma moved to different locations in the room and I went with her. It felt good to be close to Amma.

Monday, July 04, 2022

Amma Disappointed In Me.

 Dreamed I was in the darshan line waiting to meet Amma. Then I heard there was a rumor going round that an Indian man was going to drop something on person number 21. So all the westerners wanted to know what is the Indian word for "21" and it was something like "ventakat" (sounds like a Tamil name). We checked with Amma about this issue and Amma was disappointed that people were worrying about this. When I got to darshan I asked Amma about this and she gave me a disappointed look which made me feel sad. Then I said, "OK, I'm sorry, I won't worry about it." Then Amma gave me a neutral expression. The darshan was happening on the floor. Amma was on my right hand side and I reached out and kissed the back of her right hand. At the end of the dream I was feeling disappointed in myself even though I didn't understand the dream.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Doing Full Prostration to Amma.

Dreamed that it was nighttime and me and another Western man where in a room with Amma. She was wearing her usual white saree. There was a young Indian boy there (about 13 years old) acting as a translator. Amma and the boy were sitting on a couch. Amma was asking me about using moringa (an herb) for some kind of pooja (sacred ritual). I was feeling lots of bhakti (devotion) which was nice.

Then the other Western man left and Amma and the Indian boy started to have a meal. It was late at night and I just wanted to look at Amma. Then Amma was looking at me; I was about 7 feet away from her. Then Amma was sitting on the floor and she gestured for me to come closer so I did a full prostration toward her laying flat on my stomach. Amma was close so she reached out and touched my shoulder. I started to cry cuz I was feeling lots of devotion and joy to be so close to Amma. With my left hand I reached up and held on to her right wrist. I was going to tell Amma that I wasn't sad, I was just feeling strong devotion.

Then I saw Amma and the boy eating noodles. They looked pretty tasty.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Amma Giving a Neck Massage.

Dreamed that Amma was seated cross-legged on a dark floor giving a neck massage to a dark skinned lady wearing a dark purple dress. Amma was wearing her usual white saree. The lady was laying on her back on the floor with her head near Amma's feet. Amma was cradling the lady's head so her head wasn't touching the floor. The lady said something like, "I don't know if I really need this."

The dream shifted and the lady's dress became a darkish yellow-green color. The lady and Amma were in their same positions. Amma scooped up some white ointment or clay that was on the floor and used it while continuing to massage the lady's neck. I thought, "Wow. She's pretty lucky to be getting a massage from Amma."

Saturday, April 09, 2022

Meeting an Indian Lady Who is also a Devoted Vaishnav.

 Dreamed I was riding on a bus and a young woman was next to me. We didn't know each other and we were talking casually. I wasn't looking directly at her cuz in real life I usually avoid eye contact cuz that feels more comfortable for me. For some reason at one point she asked me "Are you into the Bhagavad Gita?" I then looked at her in surprise. I said, "Yeah, I love Krishna and I love reading the Srimad Bhagavatam! Are you a vaishnav?" She replied, "Yes! I am!" We were both very happy to meet a stranger who was also a vaishnav. We clapped our two hands together like a double high-five. She was a young Indian woman about 20 years old or so.  

(Comment: "Vaishnav" means someone who is very devoted to Lord Krishna.)

Her Indian parents were sitting nearby. They weren't spiritual but they were okay with their daughter being spiritual.

Then she and I started talking about having a Krishna focused bhakti (devotional) event at her place with bhajans (devotional songs), chanting and pujas (ritual worship of Lord Krishna). We talked about the details about where to have it, who to invite, etc. It was fun being with another person who had strong devotion to Lord Krishna.

Then the scene shifted and we were at the event. Some of the altar items we needed started to magically float into the room and that was pretty cool.

Saturday, March 05, 2022

Dream About a Man Here at Ashram.

 Dreamed about this guy at the ashram who a few times has behaved badly towards me. This has caused me some resentments. Last night I dreamed I was behind him in line. He was wearing a green shirt. He turned around and started joking with me in a friendly way. I was surprised but he seemed sincere so I started joking with him. We had a nice time. Very nice dream.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Amma Devotees Dressed in Bunny Suits.

Dreamed about a group of Amma devotees dressed in bunny suits. They were nodding their heads in unison which caused their bunny ears to wave back and forth. They were asking Amma questions. They were on a video call with Amma and were asking her about what bliss really is. Amma said bliss isn't just a quiet mind but rather it's a mind that is connected with the world. The devotee-bunnies were happy to get Amma's answer and they nodded their heads some more. So their big bunny ears waved some more.

Then I dreamed of a car of Amma devotees driving on a road on some Caribbean island. Their tires got punctured by a spiny toad that secreted poison. Then the toad went to California and infected a small town in the mountains.

Comment: Strange dream. Maybe the bunnies were my mind playing with the concept of bliss bunnies. Probably the toad was the psychedelic 5MEO toad, bufo alveris or something like that.

Wednesday, February 09, 2022

Amma Offers Cigarette to Sadhu.

 Dreamed that I was at an Amma program with only a few people. Some people left and it was just me and 2 or 3 other people there. We were in some kind of puja room with deity alters present. 

Amma was in the back and some Indian sadhu guy was giving spiritual teachings. Then Amma came up to the sadhu guy and gave him a cigarette. She put it in his mouth and lit it. Amma's face was very close the sadhu's face, like Amma was very comfortable with him. I was quite surprised. I got the feeling the sadhu was spiritually advanced.

There was a white cord hanging from the ceiling and Amma started swinging on it and having fun. 

Then my older brother Tim walked in and said something like, "OK, no more of this messing around. I want Amma to be serious." And I was thinking, "What? Tim, this is Amma. She can do what she wants." And then I said, "Tim, you can offer me as the hero, but I'm allowed to decline or accept as I see fit." (Comment, I don't know why I said this or what it means.)

And then it seemed that Tim had a tazer and he was going to taze Amma. I was a little scared and said, "Tim, you're not going to taze Amma, are you?" Tim replied, "Amma has to stop swinging. She has to be a proper guru and do her duties." A part of me thought, "Well, I can see that point of view."

Comment: This was a weird dream; not sure what it means. My brother Tim is a pretty mainstream normal guy and not interested in Amma.

Saturday, February 05, 2022

On A Train With Amma.

 Dreamed I was on a train ride from Washington DC to New York to visit one of Amma's centers. There were about 4 or 5 of us in the train car with Amma which was very nice. I was happy to be traveling in a small group with Amma. We were joking and talking with Amma. She was cracking jokes and answering our questions. 

Then the dream switched and we were driving through this old brick tunnel. When we got to the destination, someone offered to carry my bag which was nice. Some young kid was eager to open the door for us and help us.

Monday, December 20, 2021

Touching the Big Toe on Amma's Right Foot.

 Dreamed that I was in line to get Amma darshan (a hug). Amma was sitting under a low flat roof that was dark red. I was next in line but some people jumped in front of me, but that was okay. Then it was my turn. The roof was so low that I had to crawl on my hands and knees to get to Amma. I could see her face clearly and Amma gave me a very neutral expression. I thought maybe I was being greedy cuz Amma called me yesterday and now here I am wanting to see her again. 

Amma was laid back on some kind of recliner chair and her right foot was sticking out from under her robes. I reached out and touched the big toe on her right foot then I kissed that finger and touched my forehead. I felt very blessed to touch Amma's foot.

Dreamed I Was Massaging Amma.

Dreamed that Amma requested I give her a massage so I massaged her back and shoulders (mostly on the right side). Then I massaged her legs. Amma had some muscle knots in her right leg and I tried to work them out. Amma's skin was lighter than her real color. I felt very blessed to have the opportunity to massage Amma.

(Note: I've been in the hospital with a minor illness. Earlier today Amma gave me a call and asked how I was doing. I was very surprised she called. It was very nice.)

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Amma Program in Large Parking Lot.

Had a nice Amma dream. We were at a large outdoor Amma program. The ground was a very large parking lot made with black asphalt. Lots of people there. In the front was Amma's stage. The sky was a little dark, grey and overcast. I had to find a white cushion to sit on. I finally found it but I was nervous about putting it on the black dirty asphalt. Finally I put it down and sat on the clean white cushion. Amma was walking around the audience guiding us in bhajans and meditation. At one point she was sitting at a table playing with a flower. Then at another point she was laying on the ground and she said, "I'm a good disciple." I thought that was hilarious. At another point Amma looked like a dog but I was looking at her thinking, "Amma, you are pure love." and she looked at me. I felt like I was understanding Amma just a tiny bit. I was finding it hard to get comfortable in my sitting position but I thought, "That's ok, no problem." Then I saw a group of about 10 Amma swamis in red carrying something that looked like a really large door painted white. At one point Amma told me to sit in a particular place so I moved at sat there. I was on stage right, audience left side of the parking lot.

Saturday, November 06, 2021

Amma as a Caucasian Man. Getting Darshan.

Dreamed I was at this outdoor Amma darshan program. I was third in line for darshan waiting for Amma to arrive. Then I saw that the lady behind me was the mother in the family in front of me. So I motioned her to go in front of me. She and a few other people went in front of me. In my mind I thought, "Well, so what?" Then I got sleepy and laid on the grass at the end of the line and fell asleep. I was having all kinds of strange dreams. (I was dreaming about having dreams.) Then I noticed that the line had moved so, rather than get up, I rolled on the grass to the end of the line. Then I noticed that the guy in front of me was finishing his darshan so I stood up real quick and said to Amma, "Sorry that I'm feeling sleepy." Then I sat in her lap. Amma looked like a Caucasian man about 50 years old with a lean build and short white hair and wearing a beige shirt. He/she was very quiet and didn't say anything and he/she started to hold me. I asked Amma (the man) if he/she had any guidance for me but he/she didn't say anything.

Friday, October 08, 2021

Amma Walks Towards Me and I Bow Down.

Dreamed that I was at an Amma program in some large space. The program was finishing and Amma walked toward me. She was on my right and walked past me. As she walked toward me I bowed down and touched my head to the floor. Amma was wearing her usual bright white saree.

That's it. Pretty simple dream.

Monday, September 27, 2021

Amma Sits Next to My Bed and Meditates. I Get Smeared With Vibhuti.

Dreamed I was in a dorm room with some other guys. We were talking about some subject, I can't remember what. Then Amma came into the room with a few Western attendants. As Amma was walking by my bed, I turned on my stomach to follow her. Then Amma sat down on the floor on the right side of my bed and went into meditation with her eyes closed. I got the feeling she was praying for me and transmitting some blessings to me. Then I touched Amma's left shoulder and then touched my lips, head and heart. I did this three times. I was feeling a lot of devotion and feeling very lucky to be so close to Amma.

Then Amma's young Western female attendant spread a lot of vibhuti (sacred ash) on my forehead and face. I was down with that.

Then the scene switched and someone was touching my forehead. Then I heard a voice in my head say, "You've got a brain cancer behind your forehead in your bliss center." I couldn't be sure but it sounded like they said 'bliss center'. I was surprised that the voice in my head was so clear. I'll have to get this checked.

If there's no more blog posts here, you know what happened. :-)   :D

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Sleepy Spiritual Teacher and Running Through The Woods.

 Dreamed I was at this house with 7 or 8 other people. They were all devoted of this spiritual teacher man who lived there. This spiritual teacher was kind of strange. He slept a lot and was a little crazy and spoke in a strange way. The other devotees bowed to him so I bowed also. I was on a sofa listening to him talk and then suddenly the scene shifted and I was running/floating through the woods. I was confused cuz I didn't know how I got from the sofa to the woods. I thought I had blacked out. 

Monday, June 28, 2021

My Dad at an Amma Program

Dreamed I was at an Amma program. Amma was near me walking on grass. I reached out and touched her feet and kissed my fingers. I was feeling a lot of nice devotion. Amma was dressed in her usual bright white saree. I was with other Amma devotees but not all of them were helping. I wanted to help but I was shy and nervous about volunteering. For some reason my dad was there. He said, "I think Advait can help." Then my dad said, "Someone move this box into that bag." I was on an upper bunk. I got down and put the box into the white bag. My dad looked around and said something like, "See, Advait can help."

Wednesday, June 02, 2021

Amma Cracking Lots of Jokes on Stage

Dreamed I was at this Amma program sitting near the back of the hall. Amma started singing bhajans and I felt tired so I leaned to my side and fell asleep. Then she called everyone to come up on stage and be close to her. Amma was sitting on the stage giving darshan while surrounded by many devotees. The usual scene. Amma was saying some wild and funny things, making people laugh and surprising us. She was speaking Malayalam so I didn't understand it.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Loving my Inner Child.

Dreamed that I was in this house and I saw some cherries and sweet red sauce spilled on a white carpet. I asked, "Who did this?" and one young boy to my left said, "Saul did it." and pointed to another young blond boy wearing a red shirt. Then I noticed Saul (about 9 yrs old) was right in front of me standing between me and the spilled cherries. He was facing away from me. Saul became very frightened and he started shaking in fear. I started gently rubbing his back and shoulders and I said, "You're safe. No one's going to hurt you. No one's going to punish you. You're fine. Come on, let me show you how to clean it up." It took a while for Saul to calm down. Me and Saul then got the cleaning supplies and I showed him how to clean it up.

After the dream I had the feeling that Saul somehow represented my inner child and in the dream I took some steps toward forgiving and loving my inner child. Nice.

Looking at Amma's Feet.

Dreamed that I was in an auditorium standing in front of a stage. The floor of the stage was white and was at the level of my chest. From my left Amma walked barefoot on to the stage. She was wearing a dark burgundy/gold saree. I was focused on looking at her feet. I felt lots of nice devotion and love toward Amma. Then she walked toward me and I looked up to her and said "Oh, Amma, thank you for everything!" Then Amma turned and walked away.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Resting with Amma

Dreamed I was sleeping in the same bed as Amma. Amma was wearing her usual white saree. Amma was sleeping curled up on her right hand side. I was sleeping curled up on my left hand side. My head was resting on Amma's upper left thigh like it was my pillow. It was an unusually long bed. I was feeling very happy and blessed to be close to Amma. At one or two times I had to move around and I was afraid I would awaken Amma, but she just slept right through. 


Monday, June 01, 2020

Krishna Statue Comes to Life!

Dreamed I was at this big stone temple complex. I was looking at a big statue of a Buddha head. It was carved out of light green stone like jade. As I watched the face started to move around a little bit and come alive. I thought, "Oh, this is pretty cool." Then I turned 90 degrees to my right and was looking at a statue of Lord Krishna in seated posture. The statue was life sized and placed in a stone alcove. Then the Krishna statue came fully alive and Krishna stood up and started moving! I was amazed. The skin was dark shiny blue and slightly reflective like a kind of smooth plastic. Krishna was wearing a yellow scarf draped around his shoulders, silky baggy yellow pants and had lots of jewelry, ornaments, bracelets, etc., and a beautiful silver gold crown. Krishna turned to look at me for a few seconds and I was feeling lots and lots of amazement and awe! I was seeing a vision of the real Krishna! (at least that's what it felt like). Krishna turned and walked a little ways away from me, then turned around and walked back toward me. Then I woke up. Very nice dream.

Thursday, May 07, 2020

Amma Friends with Older Jewish Man

Dreamed that Amma was connected with this older Jewish man. I saw them in bed together but it was chaste. Nothing sexual was going on; they were good friends. The Jewish man (like Amma) was helping people to evolve spiritually. At one point Amma asked him to come to the next Amma program. Then I saw some people making a documentary about Amma. The camera was following her around as she did her various activities.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Kissed Amma's Left Hand.

Dreamed it was nighttime and some construction work was going on. Amma told me to put away some crane equipment which I did. Then I saw Amma wearing her usual white saree sitting on some grass that was elevated about 3 feet up. Running along side was a concrete wall. Some Indian brahmacharinis also dressed in white were coming and going and paying respects to Amma and getting Amma's instructions. Amma's left hand side was toward me. Then no one was around so I walked up to Amma, leaned down and very gently kissed her left hand. I was feeling some nice devotion and feeling very blessed to be close to Amma.

I got the impression that her physical body was very sick and processing a lot of the darkness in the world, but she didn't mind. That is her divine mission and she's always in bliss no matter what her physical body may be experiencing.

Friday, January 31, 2020

Close to Amma.

Dreamed I was at this Amma program. It was a square room and the attendees were seated along 3 sides of the square. most of the attendees were wearing white. Amma was standing up and answering questions. I was asking Amma some questions and she was giving me some extra attention which felt nice. (I wish I could remember the questions I asked.) I was sitting on the floor on stage left of the room. Then, all of a sudden, Amma walked up to me and put my face right into her crotch and had me stay there for a few moments. She was wearing plain white underwear, she wasn't nude or anything. Her skin was only slightly brown, like south Italy skin color. I was quite surprised and I just kept still while I was there. There were no sexual feelings happening. I was feeling a little overwhelmed and also honored to be so close(!) to Amma. Then the dream ended.

Comment. I know this is a really weird dream, but I don't have control over them.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Chakra Adjustment from Amma

Dreamed that I was sitting on the ground and leaning backwards. Amma was holding me from behind and with her right hand was pressing 2 or 3 different places around my perineum. I felt big sensations like a very strong tingling. It wasn't painful but the sensations were quite powerful. It was like she was upgrading the energy fields around my lower chakras. A very powerful dream. I remember Amma was wearing her usual white saree.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Egg Seva for Amma's Breakfast.

Dreamed that I got the seva to break open an egg and put it on Amma breakfast plate. Amma is sitting in her chair and I'm kneeling right beside her. She's holding her breakfast plate in her lap. So I'm doing my seva kneeling very close to Amma and carefully opening the egg to put in on her plate. On her plate is some rice, some curries and 2 fried eggs. I'm supposed to drop the egg on top of her fried eggs. Amma is being super sweet and loving. She has a beautiful smile and is caressing my face and head with her right hand. Then Amma tells me ''There's no need to chant my name. Don't worry about chanting my name.'' I'm a little surprised and I turn to another person who is kneeling nearby and I ask him ''Does Amma mean she no longer wants me to chant ''Om Amritay Swaryai Namaha''?'' Then Amma starts to really laugh hard and Amma says ''He's such a child of the 60's!'' and laughs even more. At one point she's laughing and leans in close and her nose almost touches mine. While Amma's laughing I'm laughing and crying like some kind of emotional breakthrough wants to happen.

This was a very nice dream.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

At End of Darshan Line.

Dreamed I'm at the very end of the darshan line in the program hall. The floor was covered in red rugs and I seem to remember the walls were red. Amma was standing in the back of the hall in front of some red curtains. She was wearing a stethoscope and talking on the phone with someone. I was feeling a lot of devotion and love toward Amma and I moved a little closer to her. Then Amma become a slim young dark skinned woman with a narrow waist. Her dress was a light bluish green color. I was a little nervous that I was too late to get darshan. Amma gave me a very sweet, compassionate look which communicated to me ''Of course you're going to get darshan.'' Then she came over and gave me a very nice hug and almost touched my nose with her nose. She seemed happy with me and looked at me in a very sweet way.

Wednesday, November 06, 2019

Touching Amma's Feet With Cold Fingers.

Dreamed I was in a room talking with Amma while she was getting ready for her darshan program. Amma had dirty blond hair and a pink sweater. I had a brush to brush Amma's hair and I gave it to some man who was nearby. I then had to leave the room and I reached  down to touch Amma's left foot, but my fingers were cold and Amma jumped a little when I touched her foot. I felt bad about that. Then I left the room.

Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Amma Working on Writing Project.

Had a very nice Amma dream. Dreamed I was in this house and Amma was there in the living room sitting in a nice chair. She was working on a writing project. I was sitting on the floor very close to Amma. Once in a while Amma would ask me to get her things like some paper and a clipboard. Felt very nice to sit close to Amma and look at her and feel her divine love. I was sitting on her left hand side.

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Box with Lock and Key. Amma Keeps Key.

Dreamed I was at an Indian bank and they gave me something in a dark gray metal box about the size of a large hardback book. The box had a lock on the front and they also gave me the key. I took the box to another bank and Amma was there sitting at a desk. She was one of the bank tellers and was wearing a dark gray dress and her hair was styled. Before I gave it to Amma I opened the box, took something out, closed it and locked it with the key. I was going to keep the key but Amma said ''Give me the key, I'll take care of it for you.'' At this time I looked more closely at Amma and it felt good to be in her presence. Her skin was very dark.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Amma in Prison Room.

Dreamed I was at this Amma program and we were setting things up. I was wearing white ashram clothes. At one point they told me to put on a light blue shirt. The I saw Amma in a room that had bars and a door like a prison cell. She was talking with some people and getting info so she could make a decision about something. Then I spoke with Amma briefly about the program. The door was also made of prison bars. The door opened and Amma walked by me and walked out. Felt good to be close to Amma.

Then it was the next day and the scene repeated itself. I was again outside Amma's prison room helping out with her upcoming program. Again it felt good to be near Amma. Amma was busy and planning lots of details with her senior devotees.

I got the feeling Amma was kind of trapped with all the demands of her many devotees. When Amma walked out of the prison I got the feeling that in the future she'll be less constrained and more free to do what she needs to do to help the world.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

My Head on Amma's Shoulder.

Had a very nice Amma dream. Dreamed I was running late for this Amma program. I was looking around for my cushions and I finally found some white meditation cushions. Then I walked into the main room and was looking for a place to sit. Some girl was moving around on the floor and I had to be careful to step around her. People were looking at me and I was trying not to worry about it. Finally I found a place on one side of the stage and Amma was sitting not too far away. Then I noticed that Gautam was on the floor next to me. He was in a friendly mood. He said ''Feeling any panic?'' I replied in a friendly way ''Nope, no panic here.'' Felt nice to be having a friendly interchange with him. Earlier Gautam was describing how he used some kind of special hose to pump out sewage that was leaking into the ashram.

Then I was walking outside and I saw Amma sitting on the ground. She was wearing a black sweater and it seemed like there was a big truck nearby. I sat down next to Amma and put my head on her left shoulder. I kept saying how glorious it was to be next to Amma. Over and over I was kissing Amma's shoulder. Amma was being very sweet and friendly. I was feeling overwhelmed with happiness to be next to Amma. Then one of the Indian army bodyguards came and put his head in Amma's lap and Amma stroked his head and back. He was wearing his green camouflage uniform.

Then I got up and an Indian police man said to me ''Hey, no recording.'' I tried to turn off the recorder but I was having a hard time with it.

Tuesday, January 08, 2019

Amma Looks Like Gangaji.

Dreamed that I was at this Amma program in a house in a large living room. I was getting my cushions set up on the floor trying to get them arranged correctly. Amma had not yet come into the room. At one point I decided that I wanted to sit closer to Amma so I moved my cushions closer. Then Amma came into the room and I was sitting on her right hand side. I could see her in profile. Amma looked a lot like Gangaji but I knew it was Amma. I felt this big strong energy wash over me when she came in and sat down. I was breathing heavily but I was trying to keep it quiet so no one else would notice me. Amma was wearing western clothes; a white blouse and seemed to be wearing slacks that were light blue. I felt very lucky and blessed to be sitting close to Amma, and I was really feeling her power.

Then the scene changed and I was looking a bowl of vegetables including red, yellow and green peppers and some other veggies. I was choosing the red and yellow peppers for the chef to chop and cook for me.

Friday, November 09, 2018

Amma in a Man's Body.

Had a wonderful Amma dream. Dreamed I was at the beginning of this Amma program. Amma was in her regular white saree. Also, Amma was there in the form of an elegant middle aged Caucasian man and he was getting himself ready for the program. He had gray hair. My job was to watch out for him and make sure he had what he needed. One of my tasks was to bring him some orange juice. I also had the job to take some rice pudding to a pot and make sure the pot stayed warm. It was an outdoor program.

At first it was only me and one other person there. I felt so amazingly blessed that I could be of some small service to this man. It felt to me like this man was Amma or he could have been some other avatar that felt just like Amma. I was feeling a lot of devotion and love toward this man.

Amma was also there. Amma told the crowd, "Some of you may have noticed that the avatar man seems like a divine god. He's the other half of Amma, like if Amma came in a male body." Then the crowd was starting to come in and I could see I wouldn't get a place near the front. But I felt really good that I was able to serve this divine avatar man.

Thursday, November 01, 2018

Amma in Small Darshan Hall With Some Westerners.

Dreamed that I arrived at this Amma program. She was on tour at some western city. I walked into the darshan hall and it wasn't very big, maybe about the size of the Kali Temple at Amritapuri. There was blue carpet on the floor and not many westerners in the room. They were very relaxed; laying on the floor and chatting while Amma gave darshan in the front. I sat down not far from Amma and went into a nice quiet state of mind. Amma was not on a stage, but on the same level as everyone else. Only about 20 people were around Amma as she was giving darshan. I was thinking that soon the darshan would be complete.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Amma Frustrated and Walking Past Her

Dreamed I was at an Amma program and I was doing some work in the hall while Amma was giving darshan. I could see that Amma was frustrated for some reason. She was looking around like she needed to find someone to tell them something important. Then I had to go to the stage to get something. As I was walking toward the stage I saw Amma with a small group of people walking toward me. I could tell that Amma was still frustrated about something and I didn't want to bother her, but also I didn't want to be disrespectful. As Amma and I were walking toward each other I was feeling nervous. Should I just walk by Amma without acknowledging her? Or bow down as she went by? I walked past Amma without disturbing her or doing anything. After she was a little ways away I turned around and bowed down and touched my head to the floor.

Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Amma Statue and Kissing Amma's Feet.

Dreamed that I was in this workshop at a friend's house. It seemed it was their garage and it had a lot of tools and items related to carpentry and other handiwork. Their house was in the countryside of northern Virginia where I used to live.

My friend was making a small white statue of Amma. This statue would become one of the main icons of the worldwide Amma organization. Looked like the statue was made out of plaster of paris.

Then Amma came into the workshop and I was very surprised and happy. I felt a big wave of love and devotion come up in me. Then I fell to my knees on her left side and bent down and kissed Amma's feet. I wanted to kiss her feet longer but she moved away and had to go somewhere else. Very nice dream.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Amma Sends Healing Light to Knee.

(This is a dream told to me by a friend here at Amritapuri Ashram. It inspired me so I'm sharing it here.)

I was talking with a friend here at the ashram and she started sharing about how some years ago she had serious pain in her left knee. She was no longer able to do her volunteer work (seva). This person has been at the ashram a long time, about 15 years or so. She said the doctors at Amma's hospital (AIMS) recommended she get a knee replacement, but she didn't want to do that. One night Amma came to her in a dream. My friend said, "Amma, will you fix my knee?" Then a bright white light started to shine down and flow into her knee. She said it lasted for about 30 seconds. When she woke up the next morning her knee felt fine. She told me, "My knee was not 95% healed, it was 100% healed." She said she hasn't had any pain or problems with her knee since that dream (about 5 years ago).

I always feel inspired and uplifted when I hear these kinds of Amma stories. Reminds me that Amma is working on many levels beyond my ability to perceive.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Holding Amma's Hand.

Dreamed that I was sitting on stage with Amma. She was wearing her usual white saree and I was on her left hand side. It seemed that I was the only person on the stage and there were people in the audience but I wasn't paying attention to them. Her left hand was near me and I reached out and held it with my left hand. I was feeling sad and frustrated that I was still trapped in my ego and Amma was very much empathizing with my painful feelings. She started to cry a little bit and she indicated that she was also feeling my pain. She was looking at me and I could see some tears in her eyes and on her cheeks.

Also earlier in the night I dreamed I was riding my Harley Davidson motorcycle thru the ashram halls. The halls were very large and there were only a few people walking around.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Amma Puts Her Hand on My Heart

Dreamed I got onto a bus going to an Amma program. Then Amma got on the bus and she and I were talking and joking around. Then I was laying down and my shirt was off and Amma put her hand on my heart on the center of my chest (Amma was sitting on my left side). Then some really deep and powerful feelings started to rise up in me. I was breathing deeply and making crying noises as these deep feelings came up. It was feeling really good to experience and release these deep feelings. The feelings weren't good or bad, just very powerful.

Thursday, February 08, 2018

Talking One on One with Amma

Dreamed that I was with a group of Amma devotees in a room. I was sitting in the front of the group and Amma was sitting nearby. Amma then told me to sit close to her and she started giving me a lot of spiritual advice. I wish I could remember it! At various points as Amma was talking to me she appeared as some kind of mechanical box like an old radio from the 1930's. At other times she looked like Amma. At one point I was looking into her eyes and feeling lots of devotion and feeling the strength of her spiritual power. It was kind of overwhelming. I was also aware that everyone else in the room was looking at me having this close talk with Amma. A part of me was uncomfortable about this but my ego was happy to be getting the attention.

At one point I told Amma that I always say the wrong things and this caused me to break up with Vera (a former girlfriend). I asked Amma if I should give up on trying to get a girlfriend and just focus on spirituality. I can't remember the answer clearly but I think she wanted me to focus on the spiritual life.

(Commentary: Last night before dinner I was sitting on stage as Amma was giving darshan. I had a very nice meditation while sitting there. It was the best meditation I had in a long time.)

Sunday, January 07, 2018

Amma Friendly With a Big Black Spider.

Dreamed that I was with Amma in her bedroom. She was dressed in her usual bright white saree and sitting on her bed which was also all white. On the side of the bed near the floor was a big black coconut spider. Scary. Amma didn't mind. She said "The spider is no problem. I used to hang out with them when I was young."

Then Amma was laying down on her back on the bed with the covers up to her neck. She looked very peaceful and was starting to fall asleep. The spider was at her feet. Then Amma made a little clicking noise to call the spider. Then it crawled up the bed and crawled onto Amma's face! Amma didn't mind at all and continued to fall asleep. Then the spider jumped onto a web and crawled upwards toward the ceiling. Then Amma communicated that when she was young she would let the spiders crawl on her because she became friendly with them.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Crying When I See Amma.

Dreamed I was at this Amma program and it was my turn for room darshan. I remember walking through the hotel to the correct room. I then walk through an empty white room and then into another large empty white room. In one corner of the room is Amma's room darshan area with some rugs, cushions and what look like puja items. I sit on one of the cushions and another western man is there with me and we're quietly waiting for Amma. My black foam pad that I usually sit on during bhajans is there and I'm happy no one took it. Then Amma walks in very cool and casual and she asked the other guy about one of his projects (At this point Amma is on my left hand side). Amma was in a good mood. I looked at Amma and I started crying and crying. I was so happy to see Amma! I was feeling lots of happiness and devotion. It was wonderful! Felt so good to be so close to my beloved Divine Mother. Amma gives me a very sweet look and patiently waits for me to stop crying. I'm looking forward to asking Amma some questions but then I wake up. Amma was wearing a white blouse and green pants. Amma's teeth were very crooked for some reason; don't know what that was about.

Comment: (in the real world) Later that day I get a darshan token and I'm waiting in the darshan line. At the back of the stage in the Big Hall is a really beautiful large painting of Krishna. It's really well done and I can't stop looking at Krishna's eyes! Very captivating. At one point Amma turns and briefly looks at me with a mischievous smile and waggles her eyebrows. I think she communicated something like "Yea, Krishna is way cool! And Krishna is inside me!"

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Holding Amma's Hand

Dreamed that at the last minute I got in the greeting line for Amma's arrival to a darshan program. It seemed like we were outdoors. Then I saw Amma walking down the path and touching the hands of all the people on either side of her. She was wearing her usual bright white saree, and there was grass on either side of the path. Before she got to me she stopped at a group of young Indian men. She got on her knees and was hugging one of them and reaching out and grabbing the butt of another young man. Then she stood up, continued walking and came to me. I was on her left side and I reached out and held her left hand. I was thinking she would pull her hand away quickly but she didn't. So I started kissing her hand and holding it to my forehead. It was wonderful! I was feeling a lot of devotion. I could very clearly feel her hand in mine. Been a while since I felt such nice devotion in an Amma dream. Thanks, Amma!

Then the dream switched and my Dad was setting out dinner for me, my Amma friend Sanatan and my younger brother Terry.

Comment: I'm doing a particular spiritual practice until the end of this month and my feeling is that Amma was appreciating the practice.

Tuesday, June 06, 2017

Seeing Amma in the Car Behind Mine.

Dreamed that I was talking Tim or Teresa (my older brother and sister) about Terry (my younger brother) becoming a Buddhist. Then I was packing the car and I let down the back gate of the car without thinking and it almost hit the car that was parked behind my car. I looked into the other car and there was Amma in the passenger seat. I could see her very clearly. She was looking at the back gate to see if it had hit her car. She was not upset, just curious. I was feeling very embarrassed and frustrated at myself. Then I realized that my car was moving and I had left the driver's seat. Then Amma was standing outside my car and I stepped out and bowed down to her. I was surprised at how clearly I could see Amma, and I was frustrated at myself that I didn't take the opportunity to talk with her.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Amma Needs to do Pujas to Handle Upcoming "Trimundis" and "Trimurgas".

Dreamed that I was asking Amma if I could get some "bicarbonate of soda" at the drug store. I needed it for some medical condition I had or for my anxiety. Then I was watching Amma in the drug store talking to the pharmacist lady. The pharmacist was also dressed in a white saree.

Then Amma walked out of the drug store and told me that it was OK for me to take the bicarbonate of soda medicine. She also said she was looking into the future and there were lots of "trimundis" or "trimurgas" coming and she had to do some big pujas (hindu rituals) in order to handle them. Apparently trimundis and trimurgas refer to some kind of upcoming global negative energies.

Then Amma bent over with her face close to her knees like she was in pain. I put my hand on her lower back to try and help relieve her pain. Amma now looked like a man and was wearing a gray shirt. Even though she was bent over she could still walk and I was happy she was taking the time to talk with me.

Comment: Google search: Apparently "murga" refers to some type of punishment that used to be done to boys in Indian schools. The boys had to stand up and then bend over face to knees in a painful way. I have no memory of ever hearing about this murga punishment previously.

Sunday, April 02, 2017

Amma Appears as a Young Blonde Girl. Lyon is Correct.

Dreamed that I was doing some tasks in an apartment that had wooden floors. I heard a knock on the door and when I opened it I saw Amma! Yay! I was very happy. But it was Amma in the form of a young blonde Caucasian girl about 6 years old. And it was 100% clear that the little girl was Amma. I bent down to touch her feet. She was wearing a light green dress with some kind of flower design. Amma spoke for a while in Malayalam (her native language) and another little girl was beside her. Amma was holding a white bucket. Then Amma asked me what was the last Amma program in France? I immediately replied "Lyon" which was the right answer. I don't know how I knew that. Amma was happy with my answer and said "Yes, that's correct." I was feeling very happy to be close to Amma. Then Amma walked away and I tried to follow but was not able to.

Monday, February 06, 2017

Amma Digs Some Holes, Then a Treasure Chest.

Dreamed that Amma was outside at a program. She was sitting on the grass with me and some other devotees sitting nearby. It was a nice sunny day with nice blue skies. Then the scene switched and Amma was digging a big square hole in the ground like a grave. Amma was standing in the hole but it was so deep that she couldn't be seen. All I could see was her shovel coming up and some dirt flying out. Some people nearby were wondering what Amma was doing digging these deep holes? Then Amma put something in the holes and filled them back in. Then I saw Amma sitting next to a wooden treasure chest that was sitting on the dirt on top of one of the holes that Amma dug. The treasure chest had metal braces on the corners and looked like one of those pirate treasure chests you see in the movies.

I got the feeling Amma was putting to rest and resolving some deep emotional issue in me. And the treasure was the insights that arises after some emotional issue is settled.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Meeting My Dolphin Friend.

Dreamed that I was traveling with my younger brother Terry in a white pick up truck. He was driving and I was in the back. We went to a swimming pool and I got in the water. In the water was a dolphin who was a good friend of mine. I was very happy to see my dolphin friend and I gave him/her a kiss. Then I looked into the dolphin's eyes and I felt lots of love and compassion being radiated. Very nice. The dolphin's eyes were big and very dark.

Saturday, September 03, 2016

Cruzin' with the DL.

Dreamed that I was traveling with the Dalai Lama and some other people. We were driving in a car. The Dalai Lama was in the front passenger seat and I was sitting behind him. The Dalai Lama was radiating very sweet and compassionate vibes.

At one point the road was almost blocked by some big black outboard engines. The car was able to squeeze under one of the engines and continue on it's way. I guess when you're driving with the Dalai Lama you can get around all obstacles. :-) After we passed the engines I looked back and thought "Wow. That road is going to get really backed up with traffic."

Then the other people in the car said something like "OK, we got the Dalai Lama here so let's read some spiritual stuff." The DL told me to pick up and starting reading a dharma book that was in the back seat next to me. I flipped thru the pages and skimmed the content to see what to read.

Then we stopped at a beautiful meditation center that had some nice manicured gardens.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Amma at My Old House.

Dreamed that I was at my old house in Alexandria, Virginia. Amma was there and I was in charge of making sure she had everything she needed. I was feeling happy to have Amma in my house. She was wearing her usual bright white saree. At one point I was embarrassed cuz I had some intestinal gas, but Amma didn't seem to care. At another point I had to find some paper towels to make sure everyone had some. Later in the dream I got a delivery of a cardboard box with a big electronic item like a big screen TV. I remember opening the box next to my old front door.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Amma in Zoot Suit Pants and a Government Appointment

Dreamed I was at this large stadium seating hall. The seats angled up from the stage and most everything there was painted in white. We were waiting for Amma to arrive and I was with some other Amma devotees way up high near the back of the hall. Amma came to the stage and was standing next to the wooden podium. She was wearing baggy medium gray pleated trousers with silver chain belts and a button down light gray shirt. Amma had wide hips and was in a playful mood showing off her fancy pants to the big crowd. The pants reminded me of "Zoot Suit" pants that were once popular in America back in the 1940's and 50's I think. Amma seemed to be giving the message that she was going to become more engaged with worldly affairs.

Also someone was telling me that Amma had been appointed to the "Kerala Agricultural Commission" or something like that. I was a little surprised that Amma accepted an official position in the Kerala government.

Saturday, April 09, 2016

At My Old College Gazing Into Amma's Eyes.

Dreamed that I was at my old college Mary Washington College. Soon there was going to be a convocation speech at the main college outdoor pavilion. I was on a balcony looking down at all the chairs set up for the speech. Then Amma was there and I was just looking into her eyes for a long time. It felt wonderful! I felt lucky to be close to her and looking into her eyes. At one point Amma seemed to say "OK. That's enough of looking into my eyes." but I just kept looking. Amma was wearing her usual bright white saree.

At one point I was sitting on the edge of the balcony with my legs dangling down between the banister support pillars.

My sister (Teresa) was down below talking to one of the college professors. (Teresa also graduated from the same college.)

Also saw some guy enjoying a caramel ice cream cone.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Amma Examines the Air Ducts, Then Kisses Cheeks.

Dreamed that 2 Indian men wanted to sell some aluminum air ducts to Amma. Amma was sitting with one of her red Swamis when the 2 Indian men came by. Amma took one of the air ducts and started looking at it to see if it was sufficient quality and was good enough to purchase. Amma was being very practical and down to earth. The Swami did not think Amma should spend time on the air ducts but he kept quiet. It was a sunny day.

I felt good seeing Amma being practical and carefully scrutinizing the air ducts.

Then the 2 Indian men turned into 2 cats. The cats were happy and were sniffing each other's butts (as cats sometimes like to do). Another female Amma devotee was with me (she was dressed in a white saree like Amma wears). I said to her "The two cats are sniffing each other's butts. That means they think Amma will purchase the air ducts and they're happy." I said this as a joke.

Then I started looking deeply into Amma's eyes and I became entranced. At first Amma's eyes were a light brown, then they morphed into different designs like colorful mandalas. I felt wonderful looking into her eyes! I had my left arm around the shoulders of the female devotee and I felt nice feelings of friendship. Then Amma leaned in and gave us a kiss on the cheeks. Wonderful!

Monday, January 04, 2016

Nice Hug and Holding Amma's Feet

Had a very nice Amma dream (this was my first Amma dream in a while). I was in this house with only a few other people there. Amma was there dressed in her usual bright white saree. She was sitting in a chair. I kneeled in front of her and touched her feet and she gave me a very sweet hug. I asked how about how I can get my mind to settle down and feel more relaxed. She gave me a nice answer that I can't remember. Then I held on to her feet some more.

Later Amma was standing up and hugging someone else. Then she said "OK, I gotta go." As she walked out her right leg was giving her some pain and she had to stretch it and shake it out.

I was feeling lots of love and appreciation in being so close to Amma.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Amma Pulls Her Feet Away.

Dreamed that Amma was sitting in a sofa style chair and a Western lady was seated on Amma's right. They were seated right next to each other. Amma was dressed in her usual bright white saree. I was envious of the western lady sitting right next to Amma. I was sitting on the floor in front of them about 3 feet away. I looked at Amma's feet and as a sign of devotion I reached out to try and touch her feet. But Amma pulled her feet away like she didn't want me to touch them. Needless to say I felt sad. This was not a happy Amma dream. Yuck.

Friday, August 07, 2015

Opening the Door for Amma

Dreamed that I was in the main hallway on the top floor of a 5 story apartment flat building. The walls were a dull yellow color. I looked to my left to the far end of the hall and I saw some Amma Swamis there. The room door was open and Amma was about to come out. I went to the stairwell and opened the door for Amma. Then my deceased stepmother Marilyn walked thru dressed in a bright white saree and walked down the stairs. She was kind of floating as she walked. I was surprised to see her. She died about 2 years ago.

Then a few seconds later Amma walked thru dressed in her usual bright white saree. She looked very regal and in charge. I held the door to the stairwell open and Amma walked down the stairs. It felt good to be close to Amma for a few seconds. At the bottom of the landing were a lot of shoes and Amma had to carefully step over them. Someone complained to me about the shoes and I said there was no time to move them before Amma came.

Later I dreamed about a cute cat being lovey dovey and snuggling with a little baby. Cute! Just like a YouTube video.

Saturday, August 01, 2015

Amma Appearing as a Man in a Blue Shirt

Dreamed that I walked into a room that had Amma and a few other people. Amma said something like "I saw your picture and started crying." I replied with something like "That's all right Amma, many people cry when they see my picture." Then I was sitting on Amma's right side and we were talking. Amma was in the form of a man who was wearing a light blue shirt, light brown pants and had a husky, muscular build like an athlete, but I could totally feel that it was Amma. I was feeling very nice being next to her. Amma was asking me to get my father to come to the ashram and do some work. Amma was also asking me to check in on my work in the kitchen and I said "OK." My father was coming to see Amma but he could only visit for short times. I was happy that my Dad was getting connected with Amma.

Then I dreamed I was outdoors with Amma with some other people. We were on a concrete parking lot. I walked by Amma but my shoes were dirty and left some dirt marks on the ground. I got a rag and cleaned them up.

Sunday, June 07, 2015

Talking About My Throat with Amma and then Floating Away.

Dreamed that Amma, I and one younger guy walked into a room and Amma and I sat at a simple wooden table. Amma was wearing her usual bright white saree and she had an Afro hair style. I could see some grey in her hair. Amma asked me how I was doing and I replied "I think I've got an energy blockage in my throat. I think it's some kind of spiritual blockage." Amma replied "Yes, that's possible." Then I asked her "Do you see some kind of subtle energy blockage?" Amma looked at my throat and said "Yes, there may be one there." Amma was mostly speaking English but the younger guy translated once in a while. I was happy to be talking with Amma.

Then the dream shifted and I saw this short, thin, dark skinned man walk by me and give me a searching and slightly mischievous look. Then I floated up and floated into space. Then I floated down back into my body. I was very aware of coming back into my body like there was a small part of my consciousness remaining in my body while I was floating away.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Kissing the Feet of Pope Francis.

Dreamed that I was in a living room with some other people and Pope Francis (he was dressed in pure white). We were all sitting on nice sofas and Pope Francis was sitting on a sofa opposite me. The other people were reporters asking him questions. At one point I felt the strong desire to get the darshan of Pope Frances so I stood up and bowed down to his feet. Then I kissed his right foot and was holding on to both his feet. I was feeling a lot of devotion just like the devotion I feel in some of my Amma dreams. Then I went back to my sofa and I started to cry a little bit with feelings of devotion to the Pope. Pope Francis was wearing soft light brown leather shoes with open toes and also wearing light brown warm socks.

Comment: "Darshan" is a Sanskrit word which means to receive the blessing of a holy person.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Flying and Running Toward Ganesha.

Dreamed that I was flying over this rocky coastline and there was a thin strip of grayish sand between the rocks and the ocean. The ocean was pretty calm and the scene was kind of drab and drained of color. I was really enjoying the feeling of flying and I was thinking "Just breathe and relax and enjoy it and don't worry if you sink to the ground." I was about 500 feet in the air. Then I floated down to the ground onto the strip of sand. About 50 feet behind me was an elephant that was a greenish gray color. I got scared of the elephant and ran away. Then suddenly I thought to myself "Its better that I face my fear." Then I turned around (still feeling scared) and ran right to the elephant. When I got to the elephant I was holding one of its legs and saying "Ganesha, Ganesha." in a soothing way hoping that would keep it from hurting me.

Comment: Ganesha is one of the many gods of Hinduism. Ganesha has the body of a strong young man and the head of an elephant. Ganesha is considered the "remover of obstacles". Hindus pray and make offerings to him in order to have personal and business success.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Kissing the Hand of Amma / Neem Karoli Baba.

Dreamed that I was sitting on a sofa with Amma but she looked like Neem Karoli Baba (like it was both of them merged into one). I'll call this person A/NKB. I was sitting next to him/her on his/her right side. I was holding his/her right hand and kissing it and putting it on my face and head. I was feeling lots of wonderful devotion. The hand was like a man's hand; thick strong fingers and the skin was dark.

Then A/NKB asked me about this Indian lady who lived back in the 1880s. A/NKB said "She's coming here." I said "You're kidding. She would be 140 years old!" Then the Indian lady came in to the room and A/NKB asked me "Will you help buy the cake for her?" I said "Sure, why not?" I was thinking "Well, I better be generous when I'm around A/NKB." Then I pulled some money out of my wallet, gave it a little blessing, pressed it to my forehead and gave it to the Indian lady.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Amma in a Very Compassionate Mood.

Dreamed that somehow I was looking at Amma and I felt like I wanted to cry (I was feeling a lot of devotion). Amma came toward me. I was sitting down with my hands in prayer position. Amma had a beautiful sweet concerned expression full of compassion. I said "Amma, don't worry about me. I'll be fine. You're busy so please continue your work." Amma was in a very sweet and loving mood. There was more to the dream but I can't remember.

Monday, May 04, 2015

Feeling Ashamed About Asking to Ring the Bell for Amma

Dreamed that I was at Amma's ashram in a nice auditorium hall. I was sitting on the left side of the hall. The hall seated about 1,000 people with the chairs curved around the stage and rising up at about 30 degree angle. The hall had a lot of nice wood paneling. Before Amma came out I went to the stage and told one of the ladies that Amma usually lets me ring the bell. The lady got a little angry with me and said something like "What are you talking about? We already have someone who will ring the bell." I felt very embarrassed and ashamed and went back to my chair. Then Amma came on to the stage wearing her usual bright white saree. I got the feeling that the lady told Amma that I asked to ring the bell. Then I got the feeling that later on Amma was going to tell the whole audience about me asking to ring the bell. I felt very nervous and ashamed so I left the auditorium and took an elevator upstairs to get some food (a few slices of brown bread). Soon I got lost in the building. At one point I was in the elevator with two young guys in black hoodies with some kind of grey designs on them. One of the guys said "We're with Feurenzin." I said "Cool, what's that?" He explained it was a heavy metal music festival for gay men. I thought "Wow, that's kind of cool. I've never heard of anything like that." One of the guys was really tall, about 6 feet 9 inches or so. He said the ashram is not a good place for the festival so they'll have to move it somewhere else. I agreed that heavy metal concerts and Amma's ashram are not a good mix.

Comment: "Forenzen" is the Dutch word for "commuter" and "Feuerwanzen" is the German word for a type of small red insect called a "fire bug".

Saturday, May 02, 2015

Amma Disappeared.

Dreamed I was in a small living room and we were going to get Amma darshan. There were only a few people there and I was thinking "Wow. This is great to be in a small group with Amma." Amma was sitting in the front of the room in a sofa chair in her usual bright white saree. I went up to Amma, got down on my knees and bowed my head at her feet. In that moment Amma totally disappeared! I was quite surprised. I was looking around but she was really gone.

Later in the dream I was in someone's kitchen and there was a mother cat and some adorable cute kittens in a plastic mesh container. They were friendly and I had a nice time petting them. I love cats.

Amma Telling Everyone About My Bad Qualities.

Dreamed that French Vishakh and I were both sitting in meditation posture on a very comfortable sofa. Vishakh was on my right and the sofa was a brown and leafy green color with some small white patches here and there and little bits of color mixed in. On our right side on the opposite side of the big room we saw Amma arrive in a yellow truck with 2 Indian men in the front seat with her. She got out and went right inside quickly so no one could bother her.

Then Amma was in front of the room sitting on a sofa chair in her usual white saree. I touched the floor to show respect to Amma. On Vishakh's right was the opening to the main hall where lots of other people were seated (Vishakh and I were in a smaller room). It felt nice to be close to Amma, but her face looked quite different than usual. Then she started to talk about me and tell everyone about all my bad qualities and what a mess I was. I felt really embarrassed! A small part of me was thinking "Well, if Amma is doing this there must be some good reason."

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Amma Puts Yellow Chalk On My Feet

Dreamed that some friends and I were standing in a line while Amma was walking by. We were standing side by side. Then Amma came in front of me and leaned down and started to paint my feet with yellow chalk. I was surprised and very honored! I brought my hands together in namaste while looking down at Amma coloring my feet with the piece of yellow chalk. I also felt a little nervous that people would think that I felt special because of this. Afterwards a friend and I were walking around and I saw that Amma had written a message on the inside of my right foot. It said something like "Don't sell what you can give away." I don't remember exactly. I was still feeling very honored about Amma putting the yellow chalk on my feet.

Comment: I had this dream at a hotel in the Indian town of Manjeri in central Kerala. I traveled up here yesterday in order to attend a special event that Amma will lead today. She'll be inaugurating a new Brahmastanam temple here.

Thursday, March 05, 2015

4am Meeting and the Chocolate Line.

Dreamed that I and some other people were sitting on the floor close to Amma. Amma was in her usual bright white saree giving darshan to people. I was sitting in meditation posture a little bit on Amma's left about 5 feet from her. The guy on my right was wearing grey and white striped pants and a dark red shirt. It was about midnight and Amma said that she had to finish up before 4am so she could go to a meeting at 4am. Amma said "Even kids in the chocolate line are asking questions so please no more questions." (The "chocolate line" was like a line for people new to Amma.) Amma wanted to make sure she hugged everyone before she had to leave for her meeting. One guy (Priyan, a Lebanese guy) was ahead of me getting his hug and he whispered something in Spanish into Amma's left ear. Amma then said "Muy." which means "very". I asked the guy in the red shirt if he was going to get a hug and he said "No, I'll just stay here and meditate." I was just getting up for my hug when my alarm rang.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Compost Group Meeting with Amma.

Dreamed that me and some of the other guys who work at Compost were all doing seva. Then Amma came to the building that was near us (a big building about 10 stories high). Me and the Compost guys got some tea and cookies and went up to the 10th floor and sat in a brightly lit room with Amma in front. There were about 8 of us. I was sitting on Amma's left hand side and next to me on my right was a white sofa. At one point I put my cookie on the sofa. I was sitting on a meditation cushion in my usual meditation posture. I could really feel and taste the cookie.

Amma was talking to the person behind me and speaking in different languages to different people. She spoke English, French, Spanish, etc. I was impressed that she knew so many languages. As I was gazing at Amma I was feeling lots of love and devotion and I felt a little like crying. It felt great. I felt Amma radiating lots of love. At one point Amma was thinking out loud and saying "Am I really enlightened? I don't know. All I know is that my heart is filled with love." Then Amma got up to go to her next program. At this point Amma looked like a tall thin western lady in dark blue clothes.

Friday, February 06, 2015

Two Spiritual Beings Come to Earth.

Dreamed that these two very high spiritual beings came to Earth. I had the job of taking them to different places. At one point we went to a recreation area where people where playing different games. Then the beings were two young ladies talking about the work they needed to do to help heal the Earth. I felt a strong connection to them and I was fascinated just looking at them; they were radiating a lot of spiritual power. When they spoke they had a very soft voice. I remember them wearing light blue shirts.

Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Amma Walking in Circles and Chocolate Milkshakes.

Dreamed that I was with a group of people and we had the job of preparing some beverages like tea and milkshakes for some big event. Earlier Amma asked me to do this. Then Amma came into the room and asked us if we were ready to do the work. Me and some of the other people helping out were sitting on two sofas that where facing each other. Then Amma (wearing a blue shirt) starts walking in a clockwise direction around our two sofas. Then Amma says to me "Ok, Advait. Are you ready?" I said "Yes. We're going to use chocolate because we have the most of that." Amma nodded and says "Yes, that should be OK." Amma kept asking me questions to make sure I would make the beverages correctly. Then Amma started walking faster and faster around the two sofas that we were sitting on. I was thinking "Wow, Amma is walking around me. I should be walking around her because she is my guru." I kept turning around so I could see Amma while she walked. Then Amma stopped walking, opened the door and walked out. Near the two sofas was a machine that made strawberry, vanilla and chocolate milkshakes. I was told that the chocolate milkshake had the most nutrition.

Comment: I'm not sure which is better; dreaming about Amma or dreaming about chocolate... :-)

Friday, January 09, 2015

Amma Fire Walk and Marriage Premonition.

Dreamed that Vishakh and I were kind of sleepy and we were laying down. (Vishakh is a friend of mine here at Amritapuri; we both work in the waste management dept.) Vishakh was telling me about how Amma went to a Fire Walk. They asked Amma to walk over the hot coals and Amma said "No, no. That's not for me." Then Amma said "OK, ok, I'll walk over the coals." I could see Amma from behind standing in the darkness with the hot coals spread out on the ground in front of her. It felt like she was in a dark forest at night. Amma was dressed in her usual white saree. I then got the feeling Amma was praying to Agni (the god of fire in Hindu mythology). I was having a hard time staying awake listening to Vishakh telling this story. Finally he went to bed. Then I felt something touch the inside of my elbows and a voice said "You will get married soon." This created a feeling a fear and a buzzing in my body. I woke up afraid that someone was in the room. I wanted to ask Vishakh how the story ended but he was asleep and I didn't want to wake him up. I never did see Amma walk over the coals.

Comment: A Fire Walk is an event where they spread some hot coals on the ground and people walk over it in order to overcome fear and have spiritual transformations. They were popular in the 1990's.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Semi-Lucid Dream and Calling for Amma.

Had lots of lucid and semi-lucid dreaming this morning. At one point I dreamed I was floating around at a place where lots of stuff was happening. Then I floated to the floor (brownish carpet) and I started to chant "Amma, Amma." Then a couple of really friendly dogs came and we started playing. We were having a good time and I was smiling and happy. Then the lucid dream started again phase 2: I said "Amma, Amma." again and then some kids came and we started to play and have fun. I was floating around and really enjoying the feeling of floating (usually in my semi-lucid dreams I'll be floating around). One of the kids started to tickle my feet and I was laughing and laughing. It would be great if I could remember to call out "Amma, Amma." in all my dreams.

(Comment: This is the first pleasant dream I've had in a while. For a while most of my remembered dreams have been dark and emotionally unpleasant.)

Friday, October 17, 2014

Amma Holding Baby.

Dreamed that I was at this Amma program and she was giving darshan upstairs. For some reason I hesitated for a little bit then I ran upstairs to get my darshan hug. When I got to the top of the stairs I took off my shoes. Then I looked around I saw that Amma and everyone had left. I could see Amma's chair draped in white with flowers around it. I was disappointed. Then I saw Amma walking down the stairs holding a baby. Then Amma came back upstairs and made some requests. The westerners nearby said "Yes, Amma. Right away." Amma requested some food but not too much. I was envious of the westerners who could speak Malayalam (Amma's native language).

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Helping Amma with Paperwork.

Dreamed that I was with Amma in her large main office. Amma was sitting behind her large wooden desk and I was sitting opposite helping her with some paperwork. Amma was filling out forms and wearing her usual bright white saree. Amma was in a quiet happy mood. At one point Amma gave me some cash and told me to go downstairs and get some change. As I was walking out of her office I looked back at Amma and I was feeling lots of love for her and appreciation for the chance to work directly with her. I then turned to my right and then turned right again to a big wide staircase that had dark green carpet. I kind of floated down the stairs which was fun. At the bottom of the stairs I turned left and left again. I went thru the door to another office area with people working at their desks doing clerical work. I noticed some pictures of Jesus on the walls. One guy was at his desk eating a big lunch.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Amma Floating on a Big Wave.

Dreamed that we were at an Amma program on the beach. Then a big wave came in and caused some chaos and confusion. Then I saw Amma floating on her back on top of one of the big waves. Amma was very calm and peaceful. Most people there saw this and said "Fine, that's OK." One person said "No. Amma should come down from the wave and make some decisions about what we should do." Then I was out in the water with lots of big waves moving around me, but I was trusting that I would be OK. Then a big wave came in and washed me ashore. Then I was walking through a big city where there were lots of explosions and chaos. I said to myself "Wow, lots of leelas (dramas) happening here."

Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Adarsh Gives Pada Puja to Amma, Then Cute Kittens.

Dreamed that I was at this Amma program. I and about 200 other Amma devotees (all dressed in white) were sitting outside on the grass. Some places didn't have grass; just bare red dirt. It was a nice sunny day with a nice blue sky. Then someone said "OK, Amma is coming out now." Then Amma came out and walked toward the group. Then the tall Dutch guy Adarsh was standing in front of Amma. He held up his hands together and some water dripped out onto Amma's feet. He was doing pada puja to Amma (ritual devotional washing of the guru's feet). Then Amma took some of the water into her own hands. Then she went and sat on her peetham (raised platform) in front of all the devotees. At first I was sitting farther back in the crowd but I got up and moved closer. I was sitting on Amma's right side. I could see Amma pretty well; nice. I had to adjust my left leg so I wasn't touching the guy in front of me. Then a western guy stood up and introduced Amma by singing a short funny song. Then near the guy we all saw 2 cute adorable little kittens. Amma was in a good mood; smiling and gazing at everyone there.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Amma In Red, Falls Over Backwards.

Dreamed that I was at a table sitting near Amma. Other people were there eating their meals. I was about 3 or 4 chairs away from Amma and enjoying the peace of sitting in her presence. People were coming and going. I discovered that my cup was missing so I walked behind Amma to the kitchen to get another one.

In another part of the dream Amma was sitting on cushion on a big stage in front of a large audience. She was dressed in a bright red Devi Bhava outfit and had a red turban on her head. Her saree and turban had lots of little gold ornaments. There was no one else on stage and I was floating above the audience looking at Amma from her right hand side. The floor of the stage was made from a light colored wood. Amma was sitting on her cushion and energetically doing the "Matarani Ki Jai!" that she usually does at the end of bhajans. She throws up her arms and shouts "Matarani Ki!" And then everyone in the audience throws up their hands and shouts "Jai!" This was happening and then Amma got so energetic that she fell over backwards! Everyone was surprised! Some western white haired lady rushed to Amma and helped get her back to sitting on her cushion. Amma was just laughing at the whole thing; she thought is was hilarious. She then put her red turban back on her head. Then the western lady behind Amma started massaging her back and shoulders and was hugging Amma from behind. It was nice to see Amma get a hug... :-)

Friday, July 25, 2014

In A Meeting Room, Staring Into Amma's Eyes.

Dreamed that I was alone in this meeting room with Amma. I was asking her questions. At one point she came closer was just looking at me. Her eyes were so beautiful and loving that I felt like crying. Then Amma moved away and I felt guilty because I couldn't maintain contact with her eyes. I wish I could remember what Amma and I were talking about.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Amma and Meeting About New Physics.

Dreamed that me and some other people were in a meeting conference room with a big square conference table in the middle. The wood was light colored. Amma was there and we were talking about doing some research. The research involved the physics of a starship drive engine that used new unknown physics beyond today's standard physics. At one point Amma was leaving the room. She was just walking thru the door when I jumped up toward Amma and asked, "Amma! Is it OK to ask a question?" I then asked, "Amma, will the science you're looking for involve principles beyond standard physics?" Amma then walked back into the room and sat in a chair and just looked at me. I was just feeling her powerful presence. I noticed that my legs were sticking out with the soles of my feet pointed toward Amma. Not good. I tucked my feet back in to correct my mistake. (In Asian cultures its impolite to point the soles of your feet to another person.) Amma's skin was very dark and she was radiating a fierce strong feeling. She didn't respond to my question but her silence seemed to answer "Yes" to my question. I was really enjoying being in her presence. There were about 10 other people in the room.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Amma Holding Me.

Dreamed that I was talking to someone and Amma came up and put her right arm around me so that her right shoulder was against my right shoulder. Her right arm went over my belly to my left side. Amma's head rested on my right shoulder. I started to cry because of my frustration of being trapped in my ego. Felt good to cry. Amma was dressed in her usual white saree.

Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Flying to Amma and then Witnessing Chaos.

Dreamed I was in this big house and I wanted to get outside so I could go flying thru the sky. I was upstairs walking thru a large room filled with lots of cardboard boxes. The I saw a door on my right side. I went thru the door and was standing on a high small balcony overlooking a courtyard and other stone buildings. I wanted to jump off and go flying and for a split second I was scared of jumping but I ignored the fear, immediately jumped and started flying. At first I floated to the ground. While on the ground I reached my arms up and strongly desired to go flying again. I then flew way way up high! Cool! I was about a mile up in the air flying around looking down at the ground. The ground was covered with solid green forest with some large rivers and lakes. I spent some time flying around and really enjoying the view and the floating feeling.

Then I floated down to a riverbank and Amma was there. I was with Amma for some time gazing at her lovingly and then we were holding each other and feeling the bliss being close to each other. Very nice! Amma had very dark skin.

Then the dream shifted and I was in this place with chaotic things happening like fireworks explosions and people running around in a chaotic way. I was feeling disappointed about being away from Amma and the wonderful flying experience. But I thought to myself "OK, let me just be with this. Let me see all this chaos as just the Divine Will of the Supreme Consciousness." I was feeling anxious but another part of me was just witnessing the chaos.