Amma Looking Cool and Intense.
2003 08 17 AMMA DREAM: Dreamed I was at an Amma event in the main hall and I had to speak with one of the organizers about mowing the grass or some task. I was walking around looking for the right person and asking people. I finally found the right person (Ann) and we conferred for a few moments. Then it was near time for Amma to come into the hall. The atmosphere became very electric! Many people were strongly anticipating Her entry; people crying, beaming and in rapture. Amma came in & sat down but She didn't look like Amma. She looked like a man and her gaze was cool, a little serious and intense. She slowly looked around at everyone. Then She leaned over backwards in her chair for a few seconds and sat back up. I was totally in love & bliss. She was wearing some kind of hozizontal stripped dress or robe.