Amma Dream 22 Feb 07, Thursday
Dreamed that I was behind the stage at this Amma program and I was helping to prepare this container of lotion or cream that Amma would be using for darshan. Adam Friend was there. I met Adam when I was living at Amma's main south India ashram in 2005. Adam is a very nice guy and a little younger than me. In the dream I was making mistakes as I was trying to fill the container with lotion. Some of it was spilling out and I was getting frustrated with myself. Adam, however, was doing his work easily and effortlessly. I was feeling jealous that he was so competent whereas I kept messing up. Then I walked to the middle of the stage and walked down the stairs. Amma was coming. In front of Amma was one of Her female devotees. Then Amma appeared (dressed all in white) and I immediately bowed down and touched my head to the floor. Amma was serious and focused like She had an important job to do. She walked up the stairs to the stage and sat in Her chair. I sat down on the left side of the hall in a chair about 3 rows back from the front. I felt good to see Amma but I was still frustrated with my problems with the lotion.