Saturday, December 18, 2021

Amma Program in Large Parking Lot.

Had a nice Amma dream. We were at a large outdoor Amma program. The ground was a very large parking lot made with black asphalt. Lots of people there. In the front was Amma's stage. The sky was a little dark, grey and overcast. I had to find a white cushion to sit on. I finally found it but I was nervous about putting it on the black dirty asphalt. Finally I put it down and sat on the clean white cushion. Amma was walking around the audience guiding us in bhajans and meditation. At one point she was sitting at a table playing with a flower. Then at another point she was laying on the ground and she said, "I'm a good disciple." I thought that was hilarious. At another point Amma looked like a dog but I was looking at her thinking, "Amma, you are pure love." and she looked at me. I felt like I was understanding Amma just a tiny bit. I was finding it hard to get comfortable in my sitting position but I thought, "That's ok, no problem." Then I saw a group of about 10 Amma swamis in red carrying something that looked like a really large door painted white. At one point Amma told me to sit in a particular place so I moved at sat there. I was on stage right, audience left side of the parking lot.