2006 08 27, Thursday
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2006 08 27, Thursday. Dreamed that I was walking by this restaurant that had an entrance that looked like a hotel lobby. To my right at the entrance I saw some waiters who were dressed like Buddhist monks and had shaved heads. Then I looked to my left and some more Buddhist monks. Then I turned my head to the left a little more and saw the Dalai Lama! I was so surprised! I could very clearly see His smiling face. For some reason this huge feeling of awe and reverance washed over me. I felt so incredibly honored to see Him. I turned toward him and He put His right hand on my head like He was pulling some negativity out of me. I was crying and wailing in gratitude! Very strong emotions. Then someone nearby said "Oh, people usually have to pay $600 for that kind of blessing." Then I felt a little guilty but then I thought "Well, I'm just seeing him by accident, so I don't really need to worry about paying."
(another dream same morning): Dreamed that me and 2 or 3 other people got to have lunch with Amma. We were going to lunch and I was holding something of Amma's. We went into the restaurant and walked upstairs and sat down at a nice table. Then some lady came by and gently complained about how we got to be with Amma while other's didn't. We just smiled a little and she went away. Then I was next to Amma and got to ask Her some questions. I aksed how some coutries were rich while other's weren't. Amma said the rich countries did good in the past, but now they have an obligation to use their wealth wisely. I felt good to be next to Amma and soaking up Her energy.
Home - http://www.ammadreams.blogspot.com
2006 08 27, Thursday. Dreamed that I was walking by this restaurant that had an entrance that looked like a hotel lobby. To my right at the entrance I saw some waiters who were dressed like Buddhist monks and had shaved heads. Then I looked to my left and some more Buddhist monks. Then I turned my head to the left a little more and saw the Dalai Lama! I was so surprised! I could very clearly see His smiling face. For some reason this huge feeling of awe and reverance washed over me. I felt so incredibly honored to see Him. I turned toward him and He put His right hand on my head like He was pulling some negativity out of me. I was crying and wailing in gratitude! Very strong emotions. Then someone nearby said "Oh, people usually have to pay $600 for that kind of blessing." Then I felt a little guilty but then I thought "Well, I'm just seeing him by accident, so I don't really need to worry about paying."
(another dream same morning): Dreamed that me and 2 or 3 other people got to have lunch with Amma. We were going to lunch and I was holding something of Amma's. We went into the restaurant and walked upstairs and sat down at a nice table. Then some lady came by and gently complained about how we got to be with Amma while other's didn't. We just smiled a little and she went away. Then I was next to Amma and got to ask Her some questions. I aksed how some coutries were rich while other's weren't. Amma said the rich countries did good in the past, but now they have an obligation to use their wealth wisely. I felt good to be next to Amma and soaking up Her energy.
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