Wednesday, August 23, 2006

2006 08 23. Weds.

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2006 08 23. Weds. Dreamed I was at Amma's ashram (spiritual center) in India looking for a place to store some stuff. I was looking for Dayalu (he's a long term resident at the ashram) to ask him where I could find a storage space. At one point I heard some people say "Oh, they're going to shut down this whole area because Amma is giving darshan tomorrow." Amma's event was going to be a big deal. There was a lot of activity getting ready. I found Dayalu and he said to me "You look pretty skinny. You look like a Hindu!" I said "I know, I know. I'm trying to put on weight." Then I saw a group of younger renunciate male westerners laughing, joking and playing around in front of a storage building (they were shirtless). I felt nervous being around them because I was not a renunciate. But one of the guys (Mark?) grabbed my hand and pulled me along with the group and we sang a song and went into the storage room. Mark was giving the message that its OK for me to join them. The floor was wet in the storage room and I was looking for a shelf to put my stuff.

(Note: If Amma gives permission, a person can become a "renunciate" in Amma's organization; kind of like a junior monastic.)

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Sunday, August 20, 2006

2006 08 20.

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2006 08 20. Dreamed I was at a really big Amma event wandering around checking things out. Lots of people and activity. Then I sat down to lay my head and rest at this table in a big room. Then lots of other westerners started to gather and sit. I had some of my stuff at the table and was debating whether or not to change socks in case the room got chilly. Then one guy at the table next to me started telling everyone how he was in charge of organizing some activity table at the event. He was saying how the schedule changed and his table was going to be finished up by Christmas. Then he made a joke by saying everyone of "watch descent" could help out. "Watch descent" meant westerners who tend to wear watches and be on tight schedules. Everyone laughed and looked at their watches. The guy was nervous but also pretty funny. At the same time we could see a video feed of Amma giving darshan in one of the nearby halls. One of the poeple getting a hug asked Amma a question and Amma gave an advaita style answer thru Her translator. ("Advaita" means non-duality which is a style of Hindu philosophy) The translator tried a couple of different translations to make sure he got it right. Amma was corrcting him. The translator translated Amma's answer as "Ere That I Am" which kind of meant "You and everything are the pure Divine Cosmic Consciousness". The guy who asked the question or someone nearby said in a mild teasing way "Oh, Amma's giving advaita teachings now." I liked that they were broadcasting Amma's answers to questions.

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