Sunday, October 01, 2006

2006 10 01, Sunday

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Dreamed that I was in this tall cathedral like building with tall columns inside. I was standing to one side and it was a little bit dark inside. I was facing toward the central aisle. Then I saw Amma to my right walking down the central aisle. I was on Her left hand side and She didn't seem to see me. As She walked in front of me I could see that She was glowing and shooting off beams of light. I could see the beams of light play along the walls and create shadows here and there. I could see a few things that looked like balls of bright light flying around. Amma was walking at a good clip like there was someplace important She needed to be. Then the dream shifted and I saw all these copies of real life Amma on a big wall. There were all these alcoves on the wall and Amma was in each one. I focused on one alcove with Amma in particular and I felt this deep feeling while looking at Her. Amma looked young and had a sweet, innocent look and I could really feel how She was absorbing lots and lots of negative karma from the world. I felt a deep sense of love, gratitude and awe at how much negative energy Amma can effortlessly absorb and transform. I saw that Amma was eating a banana but the banana was a little overripe with some brown areas. Amma didn't seem to mind at all and She had a sweet smile. The brown places seemed to represent the nagative karma that Amma was eating.

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