Wednesday, March 05, 2003

The Dwarves Take Me to Amma.

 2003 03 06: (AMMA DREAM) Dreamed I was in this weird indoor subway transportation system. At one point, I saw one of the train cars came loose and was grabbed by a chain and flung against the wall. I was kind of scared and glad that it didn't get thrown toward me. I walked away and took an unauthorized shortcut by grabbing a chain and swung down to a lower level. Some little security munchkin drarwf saw me and told on me. I was nervous I would be caught so I turned my shirt inside out so they wouldn't recognize me. They caught me and told me I had to go see Mother (Amma). I went to see her and She was in bed happily answering a stream of questions from people. When it was my turn She held up a map book and said "Always carry your map with you. It's correct and everything is in there." Her head was toward my left side and near Her head seemed to be an open window with sunlight. I was a little contrite and said "Yeah, you're right Amma. I need to carry that map."


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